A loan helped to buy organic manure, fertilizers, compost, and other agricultural inputs.

Maria Rosario's story

Rosario is a 48-year-old happily married woman with 4 children who are still minors attending the community school. They live together in a house with brick walls and a tile roof.

Her husband works as a stevedore in a market in Guamote. With the daily money he earns, he sends their children to school for lunch. Meanwhile, Rosario works in farming, planting onions, potatoes, broad beans, primed corn, seeds that are typical of the area and in which she has 28 years of experience in the care and maintenance of these types of crops.

Rosario really likes doing this work for which she is requesting a loan in order to buy organic manure, fertilizers, compost, and other agricultural inputs, considering that these inputs will help her expand her crops. In this way, she and her husband hope to improve their income and to make repairs to their house, especially the bathroom fixtures, providing their children with security and stability.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Gail LeGrand.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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