A loan helped a member to buy milk, sugar and dyes for retail.

Dental Pele Rewbe Group's story

Mrs. Nogaye is a 57-year-old mother of five children, including three girls. She buys goods such as sugar, milk and dyes at the market and retails them in her neighbourhood. She will use her profits to take care of her children.

In this group: Nogaye, Aminata Abou, Fatimata, Aissata Moctar, Hadjiarata, Fatimata Dieng, Haby, Minette, Mariam, Aichetou, Fatouma, Mariam Yero, Maimouna, Ramatoulaye, Fatoumata

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Monique ROSS.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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