A loan helped a member to buy 30, 100 kg sacks of rice to hull.

Thiédème Sop Mame Rawane Group's story

This "banc villageois" was started in December 2016. It consists of women who retail various goods. They live in the same neighbourhood and are supportive of one another.

Mrs. Awa is a 62-year-old married woman and the mother of 9 children, including 2 boys. She is a farmer as well as a retailer. She buys unhulled rice that she hulls and retails. Her business is successful and she has loyal customers.

She uses her profits to diversify her business by purchasing seasonal fruit such as watermelons, mangoes and oranges, as well as to cover a number of family expenses.

In this group: Maimouna, Awa, Aida, Awa, Awa, Aminata Moussa

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Monique ROSS.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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