A loan helped to purchase cattle for the development of her business.

Gulizor's story

Gulizor is an honest, hardworking woman, age 47. She lives with her husband, two sons, and a daughter-in-law in Khuroson district. One of her sons is working in Russia. Another son and her husband help Gulizor with her activity.

Gulizor has been engaged in animal husbandry for 11 years. She wants to expand her business of livestock and thus help her husband support the family budget. Gulizor plans to increase the number of their cattle because now the prices are lower.

Gulizor needs to buy a couple of cows and calves. Unfortunately she does not have the required amount, and so she requested a loan. Gulizor is thankful in advance for your understanding and support.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details