A loan helped a member to buy dishes in quantity to resell.

Talibi Mbirkilane Group's story

Standing on the right of the photo with the raised hand, Mainmouna is a single woman with one child. She is 52 years old. She works selling dishes and has a lot of experience in this field from having worked in it for years. With her new loan, she counts on buying dishes in town to resell in her neighborhood. Her profits will be used to build up her business and to help her parents.

In this group: Seye, Amy, Fatim, Anta Diama, Kafoune, Mame Awa, Fatou Samb, Fatou, Maimouna, Khoudia, Mada, Coumba, Mbayang, Amy, Awa, Diakhou, Ndeye Khady, Ndeye Maty, Diouly, Sallé

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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