A loan helped a member to order shoes in gross and to buy other products so she can respond customer demand.

Gpf Sop Serigne Saliou/Aminata Niang Group's story

This group was created on June 8, 2022. It is composed of five members and their main jobs are commerce. Mame Saye, with the raised hand, is in charge of the group. She is married and the mother of two children. Mame Saye works selling shoes and clothing. She stocks up on demand in certain surrounding areas. She sells off her merchandise in the markets in her area. The profits she earns will be used to build up her business and to pay her personal debts.

In this group: Mame Diarra, Absa, Mame Saye, Touty, Mame Bousso

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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