A loan helped to purchase a dairy cow for the sale of organic milk.

Nurbakyt's story

Nurbakyt is sending his greetings to Kiva’s lenders from Kyrgyzstan. He is 38 years old, married and a father of 4 children. He has a secondary education and by nature he is calm, kind, diligent and hardworking.

Nurbakyt lives in a mountainous area with vast pastures, which are ideal for raising livestock. He has been farming since 2009. Today he has 7 cows, 30 sheep and 7 horses.

In order to develop his farm, he is asking Kiva to support him and lend him 100,000 soms (KGS) for the purchase of a dairy cow for the sale of environmentally friendly milk.

The income from the loan will help improve the financial condition of his family.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Liubov Parsons.

This loan is special because:

It supports organic farming and includes a lower interest rate.

Loan details

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Loan details