A loan helped to buy construction supplies for a partial home renovation.

Erlan's story

This man's name is Erlan. He is a 52-years-old married man who is the father of 3 beautiful children. Erlan considers his children and his wife the most important thing in his life. He has a specialized secondary education. He is a kind and determined person.

As the main income for his family, he works at the National Philharmonic in Bishkek.

In order to improve his living conditions Erlan applied to the Bai Tushum Bank for a loan of 50,000 Soms (KGS) to buy building materials for a partial renovation of his house.

The loan will certainly help to improve his family's living conditions and to make their life more comfortable.

Erlan hopes to achieve the desired result and create a better life for his beautiful children.

Translated from Russian.

This loan is special because:

It helps low-income families improve their living conditions and reduce their energy consumption

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details