A loan helped to renovate the heating system in the house to ensure a warmer house for his family.

Igor's story

Igor is a 29-year-old man from Hlinaia village, Edinet district, Moldova. He is married and has a cute little son. He is one and a half years old. His wife looks after their son.

Igor is a very hardworking man who works every day to ensure that the family has everything it needs. Igor does construction work. He has worked abroad for many years. After the birth of his son, he decided that the family should be together and returned to Moldova. Igor works as a builder. At the moment, he wants to improve the living conditions in his house. He has started to renovate the heating system in the house himself. He has already done some work. But he doesn't have enough money to buy radiators.

Not having enough money, he decided to apply for a loan from Kiva. As a result, he will be able to ensure a warmer house for his family and a healthy environment for his son to grow up in.

This loan is special because:

It helps improve living and sanitation conditions for rural families in Moldova.

Loan details

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