A loan helped to purchase dried fruit in order to start a new business and make a profit.

Gulbahor's story

This wonderful woman called Gulbahor lives in the town of Konibodom, in a region that is attractive for its natural beauty. She grew up here and loves her hometown very much. This 44-year-old woman has three young children whom she would do anything for.

Gulbahor has decided to start a new busines selling dried fruit. She used to work in this field but switched to selling clothing. Nonetheless she has a great deal of retail experience. In order to start this business, she needs to buy some wholesale dried fruit, but doesn't have the money to do so. Therefore she is turning to you with a small request for help and understanding. Please support her in realizing her plans.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Kat Tancock.

This loan is special because:

It helps a vulnerable person start a new business.

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