A loan helped to buy cosmetics and beauty creams for her home-based beauty business.

Marian's story

Marian, a young Syrian woman in her twenties, is a daughter in a family of six. Her elderly parents needed support from their children to overcome financial challenges and to live together in peace and dignity. The family was mainly depending on her brother working with gypsum board.

However, she decided to share the responsibility and increase her family’s income by starting her home-based trading business. She asked for a 400 JOD loan to buy cosmetics and beauty creams for her business. She lives with gratitude for the strength and the new dreams her family found after the war. Now she is working hard to pursue her own dreams with passion and determination.

The picture was taken when Marian was doing makeup for one of her loyal customers.

This loan is special because:

It gives opportunity to Syrian refugees who have fled the war in Syria.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details