A loan helped to purchase fabric for sale.

Gulshan's story

Gulshan is a resident of the Tursun-zoda town. She is married. She has 3 children. Gulshan raises the kids alone as her husband currently works abroad. Her life is hard without him but he also tries to support the family and sends them money.
Gulshan has her business, she works in retail. Within two years she has gained experience and many clients. She has learned how to properly communicate with customers and run the business. Gulshan sells fabric. The retail business is her main activity because the income from this business is used to feed her children.
Gulshan intends to increase the turnover by transporting various fabric. For transportation, she doesn't have the necessary amount of of money, so she decided to take a loan. Gulshan hopes for your support. Help her to achieve her goals.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Liudmila Zhustareva.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

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