A loan helped a member to buy plants and a variety of cheese for resale.

La Virginia Group's story

The members of the community group La Virginia have their own enterprises,through which they contribute to the sustenance of their homes. They are also part of the poverty elimination program.
Among them stands out Marta Beatriz, who is the president of the committee; she is an active lady who works hard to be able to help her family. She works in sales, has a nursery and also produces and sells different kinds of cheeses. she is doing very well and she has a faithful clientele that always buys from her. Her goal is to be able to continue with her business to give her family everything she could not have and also, that they do not go through needs or deprivations of any kind.
Marta Beatriz is a very dedicated lady who, despite the difficulties, looks for a way to overcome herself and move forward. She is married and with her spouse help each other to be able to support their children and provide them with everything they need.
She is asking for this loan to buy seedlings and cheese to resell and in this way, be able to continue with her business meeting the demand of her customers.
Note: the children in the photo are children of the members of the group who sign this loan.

In this group: Marta Beatriz, Maria Elodia, Venancia, Lucia, Gricelda, Angelina, Martina, Raymunda, Lidia, Sonia Beatriz, Bernarda, Ana Fatima, Cecilia Concepcion, Adelina, Jazmin, Ramona, Lidia, Sofia Milena, Petrona, Fatima Marybelt, Delma Celina, Nahomi Elizabeth, Lorenza

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Salvador Quintanilla.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

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