A loan helped to buy pandanus and mulberry for her weaving and tapa-making business.

'Ekinisima's story

This 65-year-old mother's name is 'Ekinisima. She is married to a farmer, and they have five adult children. 'Ekinisima runs a business weaving and making tapas. She has been running this business for decades and was able to support her children and their education. Now, all of them are married and live their own lives. She still manages to run her business and be independent.

Once a week, she joins a group of women and makes tapas. For weaving, she hires three women to weave mats and fihu, while she weaves taovala. She manages her time wisely to make sure her business runs smoothly. With this loan, she is planning on buying pandanus and mulberry.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

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