A loan helped to buy pandanus and designing materials for her weaving business.

'Amelia's story

Amelia is only 26 years old. She is still single, and she is living at her parent's house with her parents and two other sisters. Together they form their own weaving group, where they weave taovala, mats and fihu, which they also design and sell. Weaving in a group, and especially a group of them and their mother, boosts their business and gives them freedom to running their business. They work together and have many overseas buyers, and they make sure that they will always meet their needs, and in the time needed. Amelia is joining the loan program so she can finance their weaving by buying the pandanus.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details