A loan helped will help to buy pandanus and support her weaving business.

Sela's story

Sela's husband is a fisherman, and they have four children. She helps her husband provide for their family through weaving. Sela weaves with three other women in the neighborhood which helps her with her weaving. They get to finish up the taovala and the mats early, and they also meet the customer's needs on time without fail. It is Sela's only dream to invest in the future of her children, through educating them. Her loan supports not only her business, but her family also. She is hoping to use this loan to buy pandanus, weave more taovala and financially support her family, especially her children's education.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details