A loan helped a member to buy and sell groceries.

Fusion Group's story

The group named “Fusion” is made up of entrepreneurial and responsible women who are committed to improving the quality of life of their families. They live in humble neighborhoods where the living conditions are difficult.

This is the case of Lucia, who has had a general store for the past two years where she sells products for basic needs. She saw this work as an opportunity to generate income to support household expenses. With the current loan, she will restock her store with canned goods, cleaning products, and disposables.

With the previous loan she could supply her business. Lucia aspires to open a general store in a nearby community and sell products she does not currently sell, like fried meat and cleaning products in bulk.

Together with Lucia, the other group members are Graciela, Esmeralda, and Guillermina, who all have dreams and goals in life to accomplish.

In this group: Graciela, Esmeralda, Guillermina, Lucia

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Debra McMahon.

This loan is special because:

It supports low income micro entrepreneurs to develop their business and support their families.

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