A loan helped to buy cacao slimy pulp, sacs, baskets, buckets, and others.

Bolivar Jaime's story

Bolívar, age 33, is a countryman in a common-law relationship with the mother of his 4 children.

They live in a small house of their own that they built after many years of hard work and daily struggles. The reward for all those exhausting days and nights was this house, which brings safety to his children.

To sustain his household, Bolívar works selling dry cacao and cacao slimy pulp. He has a lot of experience in this business since he has done this activity since he was a young boy.

Bolívar’s goal is to build a cacao drying machine, and for that he is requesting a loan to buy cacao slimy pulp, sacs, baskets, buckets, and others.

In this way, he aspires to give his family a better life.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Marila Arana.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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