A loan helped to buy a sow, guinea pigs, free-range chickens, food and materials.

Liliana Jissela's story

Liliana is 32 years old and lives in the community of Lagarto
with her husband and three children in their own home. Her and her husband work tirelessly to give their children a good education and what they need to have a good future, especially since they didn't have that themselves.

While her husband works in the field as a day laborar, she grows small animals while still taking care of the home and her children. She's worked for 7 years doing this and has been consistently dedicated to caring for the animals to ensure a good price at the animal fair and thus earn a profit.

Liliana wants to increase the number of small animals which is why she is requesting a loan to buy a sow, guinea pigs, free-range chickens, and food and materials to help support this work.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lesa Sexton.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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