A loan helped to buy corn, lime, corn flour and firewood for the production and sale of tortillas.

Maria Isabel's story

María Isabel, age 36, is in a common law marriage. She has four children and lives with her family in the municipality of La Ceiba, state of Cortes. She has worked selling corn tortillas and processed flour in her house for two years. Previously she was a housewife.

Now she is requesting a loan from ODEF for 20,000 Lempiras that she plans to invest to buy corn, lime, corn flour and firewood for the production and sale of tortillas. She is grateful for the financial support. She considers that the loan will allow her to have raw materials on hand, facilitating her production and increasing her income.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by financial education and provides borrowers access to a savings account.

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