A loan helped to buy rice, corn, beans, dairy products, cheese, butter, bread, sausages, chicken, meat, soft drinks, etc.

Maria Antonia's story

Maria Antonia is 58 years old, she is a single mother and has 3 children. She lives with her children in the municipality of La Ceiba, Atlántida. She has been selling groceries in her store for 10 years. Previously, she was dedicated to domestic chores in her home.

She is requesting a loan from ODEF for the amount of 30,000 Lempiras, which she plans to invest in buying rice, corn, beans, dairy products, cheese, butter, bread, sausages, chicken, meat, soft drinks, etc.

She believes that the loan will help her increase her inventory and thus serve her clientele. Her goal is to expand her clientele.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer E. Power.

This loan is special because:

It supports single mothers raising families on very little income.

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