A loan helped to purchase, shirts, t-shirts, blouses, cotton pants, jeans, shoes, quilts, sheets and other items.

Mayra Alejandra's story

Mayra is 25 years old. She is Columbian but currently lives in Ecuador. She lives with her partner and is the mother of two children. Mayra didn't finish school; she only has a basic primary education.

The need to get ahead with her children motivated Mayra to start selling clothing. The business has allowed her to support her family. She wants a KIVA loan so she can increase her merchandise. She will purchase shirts, t-shirts, blouses, cotton pants, jeans, shoes, quilts, sheets and other items.

Mayra's vision for the future includes having a set sales space so she can stop operating as a street vendor. Her greatest desire is to buy or build a house so that she can provide her family with a safe and cozy place to live.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Marni Siegal.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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