A loan helped to buy mineral fertilizers in order to get a good harvest and good profit.

Malika's story

Malika is a hardworking, young rural woman. She was born in 1990 in Istaravshan, Tajikistan. She is the beloved wife and caring mother of four children.

She has been engaged in farming and cattle breeding. She has favourable conditions for rural activities. Her husband helps her with her work, and together they cope with family costs. She wants to develop her business and get a better harvest. Since she has fertile soil, she gets a good harvest.

Malika is a returning borrower and has positive credit history. She is asking for a loan from Kiva’s partner IMON for the third time. This loan will help her to buy mineral fertilizers in order to get a good harvest and good profit. She really hopes for your financial support.

This loan is special because:

It supports low-income female farmers while minimizing interest payments.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details