A loan helped to buy hay and other fodder to feed livestock.

Jean Rémi's story

Jean Rémi is 43 years old. He is married and the couple have three children, one of whom is already independent. He lives in a village on the outskirts of town. The family owns a clay house there. He has been raising cattle for eleven years. He also sells local mattresses. His wife helps him. He is a member of Vahatra. After his last loan, he invested his earnings in agriculture. Now he needs this new loan to increase the feed for his bullocks in order to fatten them up and make more profit with them. To do this, he needs lenders' support to buy hay and other fodder to feed them. He will sell them at the right time on the local market. He plans to buy arable land with his earnings.

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Niclas Witton.

This loan is special because:

It helps the poorest of the poor in Madagascar to improve their lives.

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