A loan helped to buy more perfumes and cosmetics to sell in order to increase her income.

Bashoratkhon's story

Bashoratkhon is a goal-oriented. honest woman. At 59 years of age, she is a married mother of three. Her husband drives a transport taxi, and she runs her own small business, which she launched only 15 years ago. While starting small, she wants to expand the business in time.

Bashoratkhon treats her customers with great respect, always giving them good advice in picking out the right product. Her inventory is low at the present time, and she needs to buy more perfumes. But unfortunately she lacks the money for this.

Bashoratkhon is relying on your support and thanks you in advance for your kindness.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Liv Bliss.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

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