A loan helped to buy silk thread and silk fabric, rings, wire, etc. for making hammocks. He will also pay for day labor.

Willian Edenilson's story

Willian opted for a successive loan in order to reinvest in his business. With this loan he will be able to meet existing demand from his customers. He has also made this decision because the result of the previous loan was very positive. He will buy silk thread and silk fabric, rings, wire, etc. for making hammocks. He will also pay for day labor. He hopes that his sales and income will increase.

With this previous loan he was able to restock his business inventory and obtain a better income. He does not mention any changes to his family grouping, but he affirms that they are living in better conditions.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Debra McMahon.

This loan is special because:

It gives El Salvador's artists a chance to revive the local art of handcrafting.

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