A loan helped to buy fabrics, thread, tailoring materials, belts, underpants, bras and more.

Lucciola Laurentina's story

Lucciola Laurentina and her family live in the city of Portoviejo, which was affected by the earthquake of 16 April 2016. The city is rich in the production of vegetables, legumes and tropical fruits for domestic consumption.

Lucciola Laurentina is grateful for the loans, because with them her sales are growing. In her home she has her tailoring workshop where her clients come to have a great variety of garments made. She works on an order basis and also offers products from the Leonisa catalogues (women's lingerie, belts, swimsuits and mens underwear). She extends credit to her clients and collects repayments every 8 days.

This loan is to buy fabrics, thread, tailoring materials, belts, underpants, bras etc.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Kelly Dass.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

Loan details

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