A loan helped to buy large bags of rice, sugar, boxes of tuna, packs of noodles, canned products, lard, among other items.

Leonor Manuela's story

This is Leonor. She is 61-year-old adult with the joy and cheerfulness of a 15-year-old girl. She adds positivity to all the tasks that she performs every day to earn a leaving for her humble household.

By selling foodstuffs on the street —work she does with her family— she has managed to get ahead. Thanks to her good customer service and charisma as a salesperson, she has a large portfolio of customers to whom she delivers her products, making it necessary to find a warehouse or place to store them in order to meet the demand.

Therefore, she is requesting a loan to buy large bags of rice, sugar, boxes of tuna, packs of noodles, canned products, lard, among others items. This will improve the sales flow and, consequently, increase her family’s cash flow.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details