A loan helped to obtain 250 chickens and feed.

Wilmar Adonis's story

With his tireless dedication and effort, Wilmar has shown great determination to grow his business raising laying chickens, a job that he's been doing for several years in Sabanalarga. This business has resulted in significant opportunities and has allowed him to bring up his family in a decent way.

43-year-old Wilmar lives with his son and is the principal breadwinner in the household. He now needs financial support to obtain 250 chickens and the necessary feed for their care. With this investment Wilmar is seeking to expand his business and increase production of eggs. He is always looking for ways to overcome the difficulties which face him, especially with the goal of ensuring that his son has an education. His son is his greatest motivation.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jane A.

This loan is special because:

It comes with a very innovative business-training package.

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