A loan helped a member to buy sheep and goats for resale.

Kawral Goure Netere Group's story

Madame Adama is a hardworking, highly respected married woman. She is not literate but she has a sense of responsibility. She is the president of the group “Kawral Goure Netere”, a word in the Peulh language that means “Goure Netere Harmony”. Very entrepreneurial, she has engaged in farming for more than 20 years. She is 40 years old. She is taking care of a nine-year-old child who is in school.

Madame Adama wants to develop her farming business through the purchase of seeds and fertilizer. Her harvests are often promising and sell quickly in the marketplace. The profits obtained from this activity permit her to reimburse loans without difficulty, and to bring considerable support to the family for food, school expenses and health expenses.

She faces some challenges: obtaining good quality seeds, and delays in the purchase of seeds and/or fertilizer.

In this group: Adama, Mariama, Dienabou, Pethe, Fatoumata, Dienaba, Hawa, Tiguida, Gassama, Sewo, Kadidiatou

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer John Wright.

This loan is special because:

It enables low-income farmers in Senegal to increase their income and provide for their families.

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