A loan helped a member to buy sheep and goats for resale.

Benkanto Dakately Group's story

Madame Dioncounda is a very dynamic and entrepreneurial married woman. You can see her in the photo sitting to the right with a black turban, holding an animal with a rope. She is the president of the group “Benkanto Dakately”, a word in the mandingue [Mandinka] language that means “Dakately Harmony”. Very entrepreneurial, she has raised sheep and goats for more than 20 years. She is 59 years old. She is taking care of two children, a girl and a boy, who are 12 and 17 years old and in school.

Madame Dioncounda wants to develop her animal-raising business through the purchase of additional goats and sheep of different breeds. She often buys individual animals in the weekly markets or in surrounding villages to resell them in the same markets after raising them, or at home during religious events. The revenues of her business allow her to reimburse loans without difficulty, but also to bring considerable support to her husband in taking care of family needs for food, school expenses and health.

She faces some challenges: an increase in brush fires, livestock diseases and theft of livestock.

In this group: Dioncounda, Fatou, Mariama, Foune, Sounka, Fatou, Fanta Foune, Beinta

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer John Wright.

This loan is special because:

It enables low-income farmers in Senegal to increase their income and provide for their families.

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