A loan helped to purchase an embroidery machine to embroider traditional Tajik dresses.

Maftuna's story

For eight years, Maftuna has been doing what she likes to do best, which is sewing. She takes orders to fulfill at home, mostly making dresses in the traditional Tajik style. This is the income she brings into the family.

Maftuna is a 35-year-old mother of four. Her husband is a teacher. She wants to buy an embroidery sewing machine to embroider the traditional dresses she makes. This is very fashionable in Tajikistan, and many women opt to have embroidered dresses of this kind made for them.

Maftuna is turning to you for support. Your support is more than essential to her.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Liv Bliss.

This loan is special because:

It allows Tajik artisans to support their families and carry on important handicraft traditions.

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