A loan helped a member to buy sheep and goats for resale.

Haldi Foti Syllacounda Neppenne Peulh Group's story

Raye is a very engaged and entrepreneurial married woman. In the photo you can see her seated on the right with the subject in hand, dressed in a multi-colored robe. She is the president of the group « Haldi Foti Syllacounda Neppenne Peulh» words in Fulani that mean "Agreement of syllacounda neppenne Fulani". Very entrepreneurial, she has been raising goats and sheep for more than 15 years. 38 years old, she has two dependent children who are four and six and in school.

Raye wishes to develop her business raising animals by buying other goats and sheep of different breeds. She often buys her animals at the weekly markets in the surrounding villages for resale at these same markets, after fattening at home, for religious events. The income earned from her business allows her to repay her loan without difficulty, but also to bring a lot of support to her husband in taking care of the family's needs in food, school fees and health care. However, certain difficulties are noted: the fresh outbreak of bush fires, animals sicknesses and theft of the animals.

In this group: Aissatou, Raye, Housseynatou, Sirifou, Aissatou, Aminata, Maimouna, Moumini , Kadidiatou, Oumou, Mariama

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer melanie fluharty.

This loan is special because:

It enables low-income farmers in Senegal to increase their income and provide for their families.

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