A loan helped a member to buy balanced feed for animals.

Kuña Guapa Group's story

This is a committee of women fighting to reach the goals they have set for themselves, to grow not only economically, but also personally. All are looking for a way to take advantage of the opportunities that the Foundation is offering them to help their own families.

One of the members is Mara Mercedes who works raising and selling chickens and also sells eggs. She says that because of the sales, she generates income to help sustain her home and her family.

She is an active person that due to difficulties, seeks the way to be able to continue helping her loved ones and be able to contribute so that her loved ones do not lack for anything.

She considers herself to be a fighter who won't give up and seeks the way to give her family everything that she couldn't have, and that they do not experience need nor deprivations of any type.

She asks for this loan to buy balanced feed for her animals, to be able to continue with raising her chickens and also with egg production.

In this group: Magdalena, Justa, Etelvina, Vilma, Angelina, Maria Ursulina, Josefina, Maria Mercedes, Angelina, Gabriela Beatriz, Cecilia Dejesus, Maria Antonia, Maria Lujan, Sonia Graciela, Angelina, Nilda, Liz Maria

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Charissa Nelson.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details