A loan helped a member to buy supplies such as corn flour, cheese, oil, meat, eggs, condiments, and other ingredients.

Mujeres Emprendedoras Group's story

This group has twenty-four members. They are women and heads of family from the city of Concepción, a dangerous area because of the presence of armed groups. All the members set the target to grow and better themselves, despite the daily difficulties.

One of the members of the group is Felipa. She makes a living selling food she prepares and sells in a modest stall. She says she has an established clientele and that her business is going well.

She says she decided to join this group to get training and improve her quality of life and her business to continue supporting her family.

She requests the loan to buy supplies to prepare food, such as corn flour, cheese, oil, meat, eggs, condiments, and other ingredients.

In this group: Maria Margarita, Liliana Maria, Leticia Carolina, Sandra Rocio, Yanina Isabel, Felipa, Alba Miguela, Liz Mabel, Fulvia Matilde, Aida Gricelda, Amalia Virgilia, Katerine Abigail, Liz Maria, Sonia Elizabeth, Victoria, Celia Judith, Anatalicia, Nicolasa, Ramona, Jessica Maria, Ana Liz, Nicolasa, Vilma Maria Auxiliadora, Ida Rafaela

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Liliana S.

This loan is special because:

It’s designed for rural areas with high levels of crime and social conflict.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details