A loan helped to improve and renovate their little food stall for their barbeque business.

Tungua's story

Tungua and her two sisters works together in running their very own barbeque business. Tungua is a separate mother to her five children, and is living with her kids at her parents house. Her two younger sister are still single, and they are her main helpers.

The three of them are the only employees in their business. They work at night and earn a lot during this time. This is because most people are visiting the night clubs at other places in town during night, and they stop by to buy food from their stall.

Tungua and her two sisters serve lamb and chicken grills with green vegetables and some cassava. They prepare the food to attract more customers.

With this loan, Tungua is planning on improving and renovating their food stall to a whole new and better level.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details