A loan helped to buy a variety of plastic products.

Francisca's story

Francisca is 58 years old. She comes from a rural part of the Huehuetenango state in the north-west of Guatemala. She’s married and has five children older than 20 who have all been schooled to sixth grade. All her children have their own homes and she has six grandchildren.
Francisca is a hard-working woman and for fifteen years she’s been seeking out a better future for herself and her family. She started her business with a mill for nixtamal (corn for making tortillas) and also rearing animals (chickens, turkeys and pigs). As time went on she started another business as a street vendor, selling plastic products, bed linen and cushions among other things. Her children have been a mainstay in creating these businesses.
Francisca is very confidently asking for her second loan from the new “Puente al Éxito” programme. This programme offers individual loans and business development to women like Francisca so their businesses can grow and spread to other areas.
Because of the alliance between Puente de Amistad and Kiva, Francisca has come to Kiva lenders to ask for her second loan. These funds will be used to increase her stock. She’ll mainly buy tables, chairs, sealed containers, water bottles, food containers and the other products her customers ask for.
Francisca says “Thanks to this loan, I’ll be able to grow my business. It’ll help me forge a future in readiness for old-age”.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Simon Robinson.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women to build successful businesses and become leaders in their community.

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