A loan helped to buy pandanus for her weaving business.

Pasimati's story

This mother's name is Pasimati. She is married with twelve children to raise and provide for. In their house there are more than ten people living there, sharing only four bedrooms.

Pasimati earns income for her family through weaving. She weaves with a group of women and it really helps with her business. She has five children who are still in school and she is responsible for educating them. It is also her long-term plan to rebuild their house and expand so that her whole family will fit in perfectly.

With this loan she is planning on buying pandanus, for it is the only key to producing her products. Lacking of pandanus is the major failure she usually faces, due to not having enough money to buy the sufficient amount of pandanus. Her loan is the main financial support for her business.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

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