A loan helped to buy pandanus and mulberry for her business of weaving and making tapas.

Pilimilose's story

This lovely lady's name is Pilimilose. She is married, has six adult children and many many grandchildren.

Pilimilose runs a business of weaving and making tapas. She handed her flea market business to her daughter so she can run her own tapa-making and weaving. She weaves on her own at home, and being self-employed, it is very relaxing to her, according to her age.

On Saturdays, she joins a group of women in the village, who are willing to work together in creating and designing tapas. She pays two women to prepare her soft tapas for her. With this loan, Pilimilose is able to buy pandanus and mulberry for her two businesses.

She makes sure that her daughter is taking care of her flea goods because she is getting old and can no longer spend time at the market selling her stuff.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

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