A loan helped to buy paint, a hairdressing chair, and hair treatments.

Adriana Maria's story

Adriana, 44 years old, has built her life through significant sacrifice and hard work. She has 2 children, is married, and lives in the municipality of Bello.

Due to her economic obligations and with the aim of providing her family with a better quality of life, she decided to start a hairdressing and beauty treatment business several years ago.

Currently, Adriana is applying for a loan to purchase paint, a hairdressing chair, and hair treatments. She seeks to grow her business, improve her income, and attract more clients.

Adriana dreams of continuing to grow and becoming recognized in the market, thereby generating the necessary income to pay for her children's education.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Valeria Pájaro Rodríguez.

This loan is special because:

It comes with a very innovative business-training package.

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