A loan helped a member to buy fabrics, notions, and a new sewing machine.

As Descididas Group's story

Carmem, first in the photo from left to right, is 58 years old and works making clothing. When she started out as a dressmaker 25 years ago, she faced big challenges. Lacking an established clientele, her work was difficult in the beginning. Over time, thanks to her skill and dedication, she managed to win the trust of the people in her region, and today her workshop is established and well known.

However, now Carmen is facing new personal challenges. Due to illness in her family, she needs to be home all the time. That makes it hard for her to go to shops in the area to sell her products. To overcome these challenges, she decided to invest in her sewing workshop, and she plans to buy fabrics, notions, and a new sewing machine with the help of the loan.

The group members thank their investors for the opportunity.

In this group: Elma, Carmen, Dalva, Leticia

Translator profile picture

Translated from Portuguese by Kiva volunteer Laura Kanost.

This loan is special because:

This is one of few affordable credit options for low-income borrowers in São Paulo, Brazil.

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