A loan helped a member to buy food, dairy products, and beverages.

Movimento Group's story

Maria, the first one in the photo from left to right, is a feisty and kind woman. She lives with her children in Sao Paulo where she always felt at home.

She decided to start up her own business ten years ago, opening a small grocery store with the object of becoming financially independent and helping her family. Over the years, thanks to her efforts, Maria was able to sustain her business. And now, with the help of the loan, she plans to buy groceries at better prices which will allow her to offer products at competitive prices and earn her customers' loyalty. She is going to buy food, dairy products, and beverages.

The group is grateful to the investors for the opportunity.

In this group: Cristina, Maria, Alcione, Valdilea

Translated from Portuguese by Kiva volunteer Marcia Margolis.

This loan is special because:

This is one of few affordable credit options for low-income borrowers in São Paulo, Brazil.

Loan details

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Loan details