A loan helped a member to buy savory snacks, dairy products, milk and sweets.

Quality Group's story

Ilvandete is the first one from left to right in the photo. She began her journey in 2009 with a small bakery in her neighborhood, initially offering bread and food to the local residents. Over time, she expanded her business to include sweets and to diversify her sales.

Over the years, her bakery grew thanks to her efforts. Her greatest dream is to transform her bakery into a well-structured business where she can continue to serve her clients with quality. She will use the loan to buy savory snacks, dairy products, milk and sweets to sell in her bakery.

The group is grateful to the investors for the opportunity.

In this group: Arlete, Maura, Ilvandete, Antonizia, Daiane

Translated from Portuguese by Kiva volunteer Marcia Margolis.

This loan is special because:

This is one of few affordable credit options for low-income borrowers in São Paulo, Brazil.

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