A loan helped to purchase food products, personal use items and cleaning products for her convenience store.

Emma Elizabeth's story

Emma is 46 years old, is married and has two children who are 20 and 23 years old. Her children studied in secondary school, one is married and she is a grandmother to two children. She was born in a rural area of the department and state of Retalhuleu, on the Southern coast of Guatemala.

Emma only studied through first grade in school. She was not able to continue as her mother was gravely sick and she had to take care of her younger siblings. Thanks to her desire to succeed, she decided to start a business three years ago where she raises chickens, laying hens and pigs. With the earnings from this business, two years ago, she was able to open a convenience store where also sells footwear, baby clothes and kitchen utensils. She also makes and sells pinatas. Recently, she began raising fish in artisanal pools, which she sells as a street vendor and on social media. With the help of her daughters and son-in-law, she maintains her businesses and makes deliveries to clients.

Through the relationship between Puente de Amistad and Kiva, she is requesting an individual loan. This program, "Puente Al Éxito," offers individual loans and business development to women like Emma so their businesses can grow and they can offer jobs to other people in their community. She will invest this loan in products for her convenience store.

Emma feels grateful to the Kiva lenders for the opportunity to receive an individual woman's loan for her business.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Shannon Perko.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women to build successful businesses and become leaders in their community.

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