A loan helped a member to buy a variety of personal use items and cleaning products.

Luz De Mi Camino Group's story

Elida, age 51, is married to a carpenter and the mother of three children (over 28 years old). She attended school for six years. She is pleased that her children, now married, were able to complete secondary school.

Six years ago, she began to sell personal use items and cleaning products. She sells everything per orders, and delivers to her customers' homes. She also has products available in her house. Her objective for the future is to have a larger business and to be totally independent financially. Given high demand from her customers, she is applying for her second Kiva loan to purchase variety.

The communal bank "Luz de mi Camino" of Puente de Amistad [Friendship Bridge] includes seven women who speak Maya Kaqhiquel and Spanish. Elida is the president. They live in the department/state of Sacatepéquez. Their businesses range from convenience stores to production of personal use products. They appreciate participating in the “Microcrédito Plus” program of loans and monthly educational training (business, family, women, and health) and bi-monthly medical attention (exams, consultations, and family planning). These “Plus” programs are useful for these women, because some of them have little or no formal education. Also the health system where they live is difficult to access and often non-existent.

The women appreciate the kindness and generosity of the Kiva lenders.

In this group: Elida, Petronila , Ana Teresa , Ana Rebeca , Silvia Ester , Maria Cristina , Elia Leticia

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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