A loan helped to purchase stitching materials such as threads of different colors, laces, zippers and cloth to stitch up more dresses on time.

Asia's story

Asia is a happily married woman. Some years ago, she decided to support her family by starting a tailoring business in her home, as her husband's income was barely enough to meet their day-to-day expenses. She is popularly known in her area for her skill in stitching.

However, due to a shortage of raw material, Asia is facing difficulty in meeting the daily expenses related to her business. Therefore, she has requested a loan of PKR 100,000 to purchase stitching materials such as threads of different colors, laces, zippers and cloth to stitch up more dresses on time.

Asia hopes to get an increase in her income.

This loan is special because:

It helps entrepreneurial women work towards economic equality.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details