A loan helped to pay for field work to increase her yield of organic vegetables.

Aizhamal's story

Lovely Aizhamal is 57 years old and married, with 4 children. Aizhamal has a college education. By her nature she is goal-oriented and responsible. Aizhamal knows the ins and outs of running a farm and knows how to purposefully invest funds. She has been raising crops and animals for many years as the primary income for her family. Thanks to Aizhamal's hard work and her husband's help with the farm, her farm currently has 7 cows, 45 sheep, and a 3-ha land plot where she grows various crops as needed.

In order to further grow her farm, Aizhamal has applied for a loan of 150,000 soms (KGS) from Bai Tushum Bank to pay for field work, in order to increase her harvest of organic vegetables. Income from the loan will help Aizhamal grow her business and improve her living standards.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Eugenia Tietz-Sokolskaya.

This loan is special because:

It supports organic farming and includes a lower interest rate.

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