A loan helped to purchase a variety of clothing and a variety of products for the store.

Rosana Marisol's story

Rosana Marisol is a self-sacrificing and determined woman who, despite the daily difficulties, seeks the way to be able to improve herself and get ahead.

She comments that she works hard for her family and, despite being deaf, never gave up. She seeks the way to be able to achieve her goals and give her loved ones the best. She works in sales, has a store, and also sells all sorts of clothing. She comments that she has an established business to contribute to her family's sustenance.

She asks for this loan to purchase a variety of clothing and a variety of products for her store.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It encourages disabled entrepreneurs to start their own business.

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