A loan helped to use a loan to increase his herd of sheep and goats.

Erdenebaatar's story

Erdenebaatar has thrived in the animal husbandry business for 5 years, capitalizing on the local demand for meat to achieve rapid growth. Now, aiming to expand further, he plans to use a loan to increase his herd of sheep and goats. However, his business faces challenges from harsh cold seasons and ongoing droughts, which have caused a decline in his livestock numbers.

Despite these obstacles, Erdenebaatar remains undeterred. His determination to meet market demand with quality meat products underscores his entrepreneurial drive. By strategically investing in more animals, Erdenebaatar not only seeks to mitigate the impacts of adverse weather but also aims to strengthen his business's resilience and profitability.

This loan is special because:

This loan will support the creation of new businesses and self-employment in poor communities.

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