A loan helped a member to buy a variety of clothes for sale.

Feria De La Amistad Group's story

This group is from the city of Luque, where everyone, inspired by a better quality of life, decides to work together. Among them stands out, for their dedication, effort and daily hard work, Norma Concepcion, who works selling clothes and mentions that, although her job is humble, it allows her to help her family.

She is happy for the opportunity she receives to be part of her group, because it means incalculable help for her to invest in her business and, in turn, to improve it little by little.

Her purpose is to continue working, so that in this way she can continue helping to support her household.

The members demonstrate a sense of belonging, responsibility and, above all, solidarity as a group.

She requests this loan to buy a variety of clothing items, to stock up and continue selling as she has been doing.

In this group: Rocio Beatriz, Elida Elizabeth, Norma Concepcion, Fermina Eulogia, Florinda, Maria, Rossana Mabel, Zara Carolina, Florentina, Margarita Beatriz, Epifania, Rosa Marlene, Patricia Beatriz, Verania Celeste, Olga Beatriz, Soledad Antonia, Aida Beatriz, Blanca Bernardina

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer E. Power.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

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